Saturday, October 14, 2006
lagey raho.... a thought
Jab yehi jeena hai dosto to phir marna kya hai?
Paheli barish me train late hone ki fikr hai
Bhul gaye bhigte hue tahelna kya hai?
Serails ke kirdaaro ka saara haal hai malum
par maa ka haal puchhne ki fursat kise hai?
Ab ret pe nage pao tahelte kyu nahi?
108 hai chanel phir dil bahelte kyu nahi?
Internet ki duniya ke to touch me hai,
lekin pados me kon raheta hai jaante tak nahi.
Mobile, Landline sab ki bharmaar hai,
Lekin jigri dost tak pahuche aise taar kaha hai?
Kab dubte hue suraj ko dekha tha yaad hai?
Kab jaana tha shaam ka woh banana kya hai?
To Dosto Shaher ki es daud me daud ke karna kya hai
Jab yahi jeena hai to phir Marna kya hai?
Friday, September 22, 2006
Neend neend.. whr r u??
So wat did i do 2de. HAd a class at 8 50 was late as usual..;) . But behold sir was in his usual mood..(wich mimplies nt in d mood 2 teach..) His fav pastime to gt hold f sum bakra/bakri . So 2de was "10 minutes on kalaam" day reason: a guy had looong hair......... nd his inspiration fot it APJ KALAM......... nd wud u blv the proff actually fell for it ... :D
Then my luv (ATM card) calld me.......... how cud i resist sunna hi pada paise nikale nd went out 2 eat.... nd that too grandly.........actaully wasted experimenting.........putting up a brave face in front of my frnds hvin d drink i ordred wen i actually hated it( uugghh..). Named "caffine kick" surely did kick my wallet.... the darkest blackest coffee u can thnk of......Added suagar to sweeten up the bitter thng .. nopes it still the same. Another satchet of sugar .. still the same... another one ....... no improvement.... Nd so i finally gulped it down not troublin d waiter nemore for more sugar packs...
But i feel i ve been spendin too much the "andar ki achchi bacchi" inside me has woken up.. nd decided nt to touch the ATM before a specified date and save daddys hard earned money . And the side effects have been quite stirring. My cell balance
(i shud rather not mention it.....). I am fine as long as I talk to people who call me up. Bt missd calls........No more coffee nd canteen trips for me .. ( cn brk the rule for treats tho...:)..)
SO ppl plz click on my google ads... nd help me earn money..
I am also researchin "ways of makin money online" so tips ne1 ur welcome bt i might charge for that 2...:P.
Hmmm......... i still dont feel sleepy bt i think since ive decided to save dads money i shud go offline now.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
muv shall v try hmmmmmmmm...... sony zooming KHALNAYAK ugh ........ max KARAN ARJUN ugggggggggh........ enough lets flip off to news channels at least sm1 national nd international happenings will help me gt ovr india s dismal performance ( is dis d reason of my pakau mood )SO wat do v have thr........ well the biggest news of the hour ideally shud hv been indo pak talks bt no no no no( sing song )AAJ TAK is so happy showin "monu k peche padi nagin".......... sms kare 2424 par ki monu ko kaise bachae...... uuuggggggggghhhhhhh...... KILL the snake that is wat i suggest.....
zee news "Krishna ki poshak bar bawaal" ........... star news "Shahrukh , Aamir par jari hua FATWA..." ..... nd believe it or not these r all *breaking news* with live coverge
i mean is this a dumb n dumber contest....."CUBA " any1.....
But y am bored ........ maybe coz i am sad (?) wud u believe me sad (ha ha)...... Nd now y am i sad for no reasons at all.Hmmm. wat all have i done in the past few weeks.. Messed up my midsems... badly. Done nothin on my project front.. bt then im in final yr so thts ok... Nd off late my parents have hooked up to the record " grow up" watever i do they bounce up with "you need to grow up...." eeeks.. how does one grow up ( hv loads of thums up or wat ???)................ Maybe ill post my views on growin up later... So i have no reasons to b sad. Well thats wat s makin me all the more sad that i hv no reasons to b sad ( a recursive thing indeed..). So wat do i do wen i am sad hmmm.. put up a sad foto on orkut , put a bakwaas i am bored post... on my perennially updated blog nd keep on rambling nonsense. But at least i hv the sense to end it here nd and maybe better sense wud prevail nd i might as well delete the post in a day or two...... ( so if u r readin this pray that i start feelin bttr soon...........).
Added later: wanna gt rid of your boredom go catch lage raho munnabhai........ its AWESUM......... shud hv realized earlier nd saved myself of all d trouble of writing this awful post.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Serious ME...............
So wat do i write.............dunno he he.:D
If you think that I am the most thick-headed, dim-witted, stupid beyond words, jobless(?), idiotic, and all those sinful words you can find as the synonyms in the Webster’s thesaurus for these words, don’t feel guilty, I agree ; I am.
Even if you think I am the dharti pee bhooj kind of insaan, I will still agree and say “haan baba, I am" happily, very happily. Strange ? Am I out of my mind?
How could I change from the crime master gogo to the ever forgiving, ‘mere achhi bahu’ likes of Ekta Kapoor serials over night?
Uh ? ? ?
My parents should be getting a Paramveer Chakra for surviving me sanely for these 21years. My darling friends, no doubt deserve a Param Vibhushan for their love and support irrespective of my wacky antics. And my sis, as she says, should be a nominee for the Nobel Peace Award for her high degree of tolerance and patience towards me.
Double Uh ???
So the reason for this makeover i got a job
So I am a big girl now.............. :) would be workin in less than a years time
clap again..
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
LIFE huh...
Ive been through IIT-jee ( ok , the rank looked like a telephone number) probably its gotta do smtih with my trip :D. Ive stayed at hostels and been through whatever they do at hostels.Ive been beaten blue (though verbally) by bullies and slapped red by frustrated teachers.Ive been termed a decently intelligent scholar by some people (were they drunk ?)and been labelled a total waste of flesh and blood by many (now this is some sensible stuff ).ive been through crashing my papa's car into a wall.ive cried like a kid watching rajesh khanna die in "anand" and cowered like a old woman watching the "omen".
Im just 21 and have quite some years before i crash into hell (heaven for me ? try telling mr.god).
But even now if i look back at my life ,its just like a story with its share of laughs , tears,triumphs , dissapointments , ridicule , pain and joy.
And as i read all these blogs, i find that mine is just a story amongst millions.I see that even though I tend to look at the world as if i am the central pin of the world with all this stuff happening around me, im not.i am just one of billions of people ,each one living his or her story.
Everybody thinks his/her is "THE" story.but if i step back a little and see at my life from the outside ,like another person would , i find i am just a little peg in this big thing we call the world.and my story would see its last too one day.
So i just want to have a good time.or as jim carrey wud say , a "Gooodd!!" Life.
Life is not an exam to be cracked for me.just live life.just have a good laugh , love and be loved.take it easy.
I don't want my story to look like a research project.I don't want it to have many complications.I dont want it to have too many intense and soul searching moments.Not the story where a villain beats me blue for 90% of my life till at the climax , i rise like a phoenix to be a memorable victor.
I don't need to win the world.I dont want my statues to be erected all over the place with pigeons dropping their digested breakfasts over my stony head.I dont want to be applauded with the world falling at my feet.
I just want my story to look like a little and light romantic comedy.A few tears and more laughs.Hugs and smiles.A little simple sweet story with no villains.Where the president of Microsoft doesnt know me but my neighbour thinks of me as a nice person.I wud just be content to have a house full of laughs,with ppl who think i am tolerable(am i tolerable , silly ? ;) ).
I wud love just to sit with my family on a chirpy sunday afternoon.having a good time teasing and laughing.eating a yummy (and cheap) lunch and a cool vanilla icecream as the dessert( n i wont share it ,got that ?).
A little house with trees around.with music playing and love and trust in the hearts of my loved ones.....oops , 3..2..1..bam ! back to reality now.
Am i unambitious ? Is there some problem in my head ? Some of you would term me a who doesn't have the passion and the killer who is wasting all resources.Have mercy on me , o great victors !
But then guys , i am sorry.I dont say I won't work hard or that I don't have any goals.I have worked HARD for being watever i am and am happy( dont read the prevois post tho :D) to be here and have more plans in store.You can have doubts on my abilities if you want.
But I won't let myself be sucked into any mean and fast rat race , if that's the concept of life for anybody.I want my life to sound like a little , sweet n love -filled symphony.may not be noticed by the world , but sweet nevertheless.Thats cool.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Things are going wrong, grossly wrong. I feel a profound sense of dissatisfaction at myself. Is it the mosquito? (the one creating weird noises around me ) Or is it Jagjit Singh (music: kabhi kissi ko mukkamil jahan nahi milta) bothering me too much and trying to meddle with my heart? And this blog is also not being adequately updated. (read : so called co-authors) More importantly, I am pissed off. At what?The fact is I have no clue at what to do with my life. I refrained at making this public. I avoid thinking that ,as some may say,I am much better than those in Somalia. As much as I would like to avoid it, it hits again.My position may impress some:cs engg from a descent coll.,sitting for placements this summer. I am still pissed off. I have realized that I really do not like doing things I have been forced to do off late. Courtesy engg. And what inane stuff! Things which are outright obvious. And am further pissed off by those who believe that they are actually talking such profundity that would put the rest of the world to shame. Even Feynmann didnt think he was a genius. And to point out, he was atleast doing science. Which is Truth! Small men doing big talk - as Calvin would have put it - Bah! First lesson :Be Humble . You can still think as *effectively* as you can now . Take my word for it.
Continuing further in my meanderings I am pissed of that I am still not convinced as to what life to pursue. There is no single overarching cause that I would like to dedicate my life to. Others claim that I should have opted for pure science. I admit to liking abstractions. Dont you realize ,dont you that the whole world is governed by the laws of nature , that all man made things are also governed and that there is limited free will. That however different the gentle breeze or the rushing river and the trail of smoke and the flow of toothpaste may seem, they are governed by one equation? Exactly ONE ! That most things in life, are simple.
I am still pissed off.I claim to be intrested in what I study . But I am not convinced about it myself. I am struggling to find true interest which could last beyond a few pages. Till this moment, after landing up in here, there has not been a single moment where I am exhilarated about some idea. Not a single one!
I like to work. But only if I like it. I don't like to waste life doing things that I don't want to do. I am not even enthusiastic about doing science anymore.Even that is an ordinary life. What the hell do I want from life? Perhaps it is too wrong to expect anything. Perhaps life is to be just led- no questions asked. As the wise ones remark - Take it as it comes. What a disgusting thought! Life as it comes! Death also comes; and we take it as is.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
apple turns 30
apple computers recently turned 30 . It is amazing that they are still carrying the innovation tempo. No wonder it has been voted the coolest brand around along with google.
check out this news link for all the more detailed coverage on apple's
success story. microsoft potponing the release of vista which boasts of features already incorporated in mac os apple finally has won the battle.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
a flat world
While Columbus sailed the ocean blue in hopes of finding a new route to India, he discovered America and proved that the world was round. When Thomas Friedman flew to Bangalore, India he encountered Infosys’ global conferencing center – ground zero of the Indian outsourcing industry and it led him on a road to realizing that the world was flat.
While outsourcing is one dimension of a flatter world, according to Nilekani, the CEO of Infosys Technology Limited, over the last few years there has been a massive investment in broadband cables, computers have gotten cheaper and new technology has developed so since 2000 “a platform has been created where intellectual work, intellectual capital, could be delivered from anywhere.”
So there are a growing amount of jobs are being outsourced to India and China. For example, there are currently 245,000 Indians working in call centers in Bangalore, answering phones calls from all around the world or dialing out to solicit people for credit cards or collect overdue bills. They are practicing English in a variety of accents, from the Queens English to Midwest American. The types of jobs being shipped overseas vary from accountant work to looking at CAT scans, to working for Reuters News service, because the labor is much cheaper.
Even Tokyo is outsourcing jobs to Dalian, China the silicon valley of China, about an hours flight northeast of Beijing. The Mayor of Dalian told Friedman over a traditional ten course Chinese dinner “We have twenty-two universities and colleges with over two hundred thousand students in Dalian” where more than half of those students graduate with engineering or science degrees, learning Japanese and English.
Mayor Xai says, “The rule of the market economy is that if somewhere has the richest human resources and the cheapest labor, of course the enterprise and the business will naturally go there. Chinese people first were the employees and working for the big foreign manufactures, and after several years, after we have learned all the processes and steps, we can start our own firms. Software will go down the same road… First we will have our young people employed by the foreigners, and then we will start our own companies.”
Not only is outsourcing for lower costs happening, but there is also “homesourcing”, where new companies like JetBlue are employing at home moms and grandmothers to make reservations for flights.
Friedman describes the flattening of the world in this way:
GLOBALIZATION 1.0From the time Columbus said 1492 to 1800 was Globalization 1.0 where the world went from large to medium sized. Globalization 1.0 was about countries and muscle. Whichever country had the horsepower, wind power and later steam power they moved ahead economically.
GLOBALIZATION 2.0The second great era was Globalization 2.0 between 1800 and 2000 where the world moved from medium sized to small. The key agents of change during this time were the multi-national corporations. It was during this era we saw the birth and development of a global economy.
GLOBALIZATION 3.0What Friedman will argue in this book is that we are now in the Globalization 3.0 era where the dynamic force is not countries or multi-nationals, but the newfound power for individuals to collaborate and compete globally.
According to Friedman, the world is not only flattening in the sense of empowering individuals, but more and more the individuals will be people from the East instead of America and Europe. The changes that are happening in our world are seismic and taking place at rapid speed, which is why one of the best ways to describe it is that our round world has become flat – we live in a different world.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
india rising
"The Risings of India: What does it means to Americans"On news chennel ABC NEWS there was a exclusive programme, "INDIA RISING".One of the invitees was the bestseller writer of "World is Flat" and what he says about india: Take Champagne bottle, shake the bottle of Champagne for an hour, and open the cork, where will it go, Indian economy is soaring like that"check out it in video streaming at. in the voice of USAInteresting stuff especially liked the comments on "Reverence for Knowledge / Sarasvati" and also CK Prahlad's metaphoric comment on a shabby hut from outside but having Pentium inside .....
With the population of people under 35yrs 2 1/2 times that of US population India surely is to emerge as a global leader and that to when it is still young . Newsweek also India Rising & Shining did a series of articles on the emergence of India as a economic power. They talked about India's strengths & weaknesses, Indians in India & around the world, Outsourcing and much more. Interesting and Enlightening
Thursday, March 16, 2006
laziness and progress

I read this somewhere and loved it. People keep on critisizing laziness without realizing its not necissity but laziness which is the mother of all invention. Read on you will love it.
Laziness is the impulse to avoid work and this admirable attribute drives all progress in civilization. However, instead of being celebrated as it should be, laziness is reviled. Tragically, throughout one’s schooling and continuing through one’s professional career, a person who happens to be blessed with the glorious God-given asset of laziness is brow-beaten and insulted by parents, teachers, and employers to forsake it.
Teachers et al fail to appreciate that laziness is responsible for most of humanity’s advances. Let’s face it: the guy who invented the sail was fed up with rowing. The first soul to hop on the back of a horse was too lazy to walk any more. Every major progressive step in society was driven by someone trying to get out of doing any work. Each knew, deep down, that there is always an easier, faster, cheaper, safer, better way of accomplishing a task and that hard work is completely and utterly unnecessary, besides being a monumental waste of life.
So instead of culturing a population of creative, inventive, artistic, peaceful souls who are blissfully basking in their laziness, guiltlessly avoiding all work, and reaping enormous financial, emotional, spiritual, and healthful fruits as a result, our collective mindset has produced a society of superficial, stress-out, unfulfilled hard workers, who achieve little more than a pittance in their lifetimes and then die young.
You do not achieve breathtatking results by working long and hard. The true secret of success lies in leveraging/multiplying power and effectiveness. When that happens, it takes less effort to accomplish more.
Here’s the good news. There are easy ways to multiply the power of all your resources – your energy, your time, your skills, your brain power, your passion, your money, etc. You just need to know where and how to look for them. And, of course, you need to take the time to look.
Unfortunately people have bought into the concept of hard work so completely, they are blinded by it and they have sold their souls for skimpy paychecks instead of looking for better, easier, lazier ways that are many times more lucrative. It’s sad because it is so preventable.
Hard work is a superficial approach. And superficial approaches are always weak and ineffectual.
Hard work is just not necessary. There is ALWAYS an easier, more effective way of accomplishing the same thing. If you are working hard, it means you aren’t using your intelligence or creativity to find the “lever” that takes the work out of a task. Those who are motivated by laziness take the time to find that lever and therefore avoid the short-term and long-term misery of hard work. As a bonus, as if avoiding work was not reward enough, they also get rich.